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Awards & Publications

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HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award 2022

Our collaborative publication entitled, “Design Recommendations for Single and Dual Debris Flow Barriers with and Without Basal Clearance” as part of the International Consortium of Landslides (ICL), UNESCO, Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction book series (CLDRR) has been awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Geotechnical Paper Award 2022 by the Geotechnical Division Committee (GDC). The award is a biennial exercise. It recognizes the best paper published in any journal or conference in the recent five years that has high potential to advance local practice. The award is selected by a panelist of 16 top geotechnical engineers and researchers in Hong Kong.

The award is presented on 13 May 2022 at the annual geotechnical division seminar organised by the geotechnical division commitee of the HKIE.

Interested research colleagues and students may download the award winning paper for research purposes.

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    The project team members have received the following awards and recognitions during this project: 

    1. Prof. Charles NG received the prestigious R.M. Quigley Award presented by the Canadian Geotechnical Society. Prof. Ng’s paper, titled “Investigation of Boulder Impact Force and Energy Transfer for Steel Baffle with Footing”, emerged as a standout among 143 papers published in 2023 in Canadian Geotechnical Journal (CGJ).
    2. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded 2022 Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress
    3. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded Varnes Medal by the UNESCO-International Consortium on Landslides in 2022
    4. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded 2022 Fredlund Award by Canadian Geotechnical Society
    5. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded Frontrunner 5000 Top Articles in 2020 ALL Outstanding S&T Journals of China (中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文---2020领跑者5000)
    6. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded the 2020 National Natural Science Award (2nd class) by the State Council of China (中國國家2020年度自然科學二等奖(排名第1))
    7. Prof Bo Huang (Co-PI) from CUHK was awarded Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2020 (Second Class Award in Natural Sciences), Theory and methodology for spatiotemporal multi-scale data fusion, Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2021
    8. Prof Limin Zhang (Co-PI) from HKUST was awarded the 2023 Ralph B. Peck Award by the Americal Society of Civil Engineers
    9. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded Oldrich Hungr Award by the International Consortium of Landslides (UNESCO)
    10. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded The 3rd Hutchinson Lecture by the Joint Technical Committee (JTC1) on Natural Slopes and Landslides of the Federation of the International Geo-Engineering Societies (FedIGS)
    11. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded The 2021 Bright Spark Lecture Award
    12. Prof Chao Zhou (Co-I) from PolyU was named the Tsui Tack Kong Young Scholar in Civil Engineering under the Endowed Young Scholars Scheme of PolyU in 2022
    13. Prof Anthony Leung (Co-I) from HKUST was awarded Geotechnical Research Medal by ICE Publishing in 2022
    14. Prof Anthony Leung (Co-I) from HKUST was awarded Outstanding Young Geotechnical Engineer Award by ISSMGE in 2022
    15. Mr Luyu JU (Task B2) from HKUST won Best Student Paper Award in Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR) for his paper entitled “Automatic landslide inventory generation using deep learning”
    16. Prof Xiaoming SHI (Task A1) received the "Heywood Young Scientists Award" from the Hong Kong Meteorological Society in 2022 for his work on convection organization



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    Journal Papers

    Task A1

    1. Liu, H., J.C.H. Fung*, A.K.H. Lau and Z. Li (2024) Enhancing quantitative precipitation estimation of NWP model with fundamental meteorological variables and transformer based deep learning model. Earth and Space Science, 11(4): e2023EA003234

    2. Shi, X., Y. Liu, J. Chen, H. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, R.Q. Wang, J.C.H. Fung and C.W.W. Ng* (2024) Escalating Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Extremes and Landslide Hazards in South China under Global Warming. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1): 107

    3. Wang, R., Fung, J.C.H.* and Lau, A.K.H. (2024) Skillful Precipitation Nowcasting Using Physical‐Driven Diffusion Networks. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(24): e2024GL110832

    4. Zhang, L., Y Huang, M. Lu*, and X. Shi* (2024) Impact of Cloud Radiative Forcing on Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Intensity through Tuning the Cloud Ice-to-Snow Diameter Threshold. Environmental Research Letters, 20(1): 014027

    5. Zhang, W.L., J.C.H. Fung and M.M.F. Wong* (2024) An improved non-local planetary boundary layer parameterization scheme in Weather Forecasting and Research model based on a 1.5-order turbulence closure model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129: e2023JD040432

    6. Zuo, Z.P., J.C.H. Fung, Z. Li.*, Y. Huang, M.F. Wong, A.K.H. Lau and X. Lu (2023) Projection of future heatwaves in the Pearl River Delta through CMIP6-WRF dynamical downscaling. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 62(9): 1297–1314

    7. Li, Z. *, J.C.H. Fung*, M.F. Wong, S. Lin, F. Cai, W. Lai and A.K.H. Lau (2023) Future changes in intense tropical cyclone hazards in the Pearl River Delta region: An air-wave-ocean coupled model study. Natural Hazards, 120: 7139–7154

    8. Wang, Y., Z. Zhang, W.S. Chow, Z. Wang, J.Z. Yu, J.C.H. Fung and X. Shi* (2023) Investigating the effect of aerosol uncertainty on convective precipitation forecasting in South China's coastal area. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(10): e2023JD038694
    9. Wang, Y., Shi, X. *, Lei, L. & Fung, J.C.H. (2022) Deep Learning Augmented Data Assimilation: Reconstructing Missing Information with Convolutional Autoencoders. Monthly Weather Review, 150(8): 1977-1991   
    10. Shi, X.* & Wang, Y. (2022) Impacts of Cumulus Convection and Turbulence Parameterizations on the Convective-Permitting Simulation of Typhoon Precipitation. Monthly Weather Review, 150(11): 2977-2997   
    11. Lestari DV *, Shi X. (2021) Sensitivity of the Short-Range Precipitation Forecast in South China Region to Sea Surface Temperature Variations. Atmosphere. 12(9):1138. 
    12. Fan, Y., Chung, Y. T., & Shi, X.* (2021) The essential role of cloud-radiation interaction in nonrotating convective self-aggregation. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095102. 
    13.  Su, L.*, Fung, J.C.H., J.L Li, & W.K. Wong (2021) Trends in diurnal cycle of summertime rainfall over coastal South China in the past 135 years: characteristics and possible causes. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 26(8), 2020JD033621 6.    
    14. Shi, X.* (2020) Enabling smart dynamical downscaling of extreme precipitation events with machine learning. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090309. 
    15. Su, L., Li, J., Shi, X., & Fung, J. C. (2019) Spatiotemporal Variation in Presummer Precipitation Over South China From 1979 to 2015 and its Relationship with Urbanization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(13), 6737-6749.
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    Task A2

    1. Zhang, Y.*, Xu, W., Jin, A. L., Li, M., Ma, P., Jiang, L. and Gao, S. (2024) Coupling-Informed Data-Driven Scheme for Joint Angle and Frequency Estimation in Uniform Linear Array with Mutual Coupling Present. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.72(12): 9117–9128

    2. Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Yang, T. and Ma, P*.(2024) Sequential Image Registration Algorithm Based on the PrePS Points Association for GNSS-based InBSAR Systems. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62: 1–13

    3. Mao, W., Ma, P.* and Tang, J (2024)Mapping high spatial resolution ionospheric total electron content by integrating Time Series InSAR with International Reference Ionosphere model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 214: 153–166

    4. Zhang, Y., Ma, P.*, Gao, S. and Jiang, L. (2024) An unsupervised learning framework for determining the excitation coefficients using near-field antenna measurements. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 66(6): 1939–1946

    5. Zheng, Z., Ma, P.* and Wu, Z. (2024) A context-structural feature decoupling change detection network for detecting earthquake-triggered damage. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 131: 103961

    6. Chen, L., Ma, P.*, Fan, X., Wang, X and Ng, C. W. W. (2024)A knowledge-aware deep learning model for landslide susceptibility assessment in Hong Kong. Science of the total environment, 941: 173557

    7. Ma, P., Yu, C., Jiao, Z., Zheng, Y., Wu, Z. *, Mao, W. and Lin, H. (2024) Improving time-series InSAR deformation estimation for city clusters by deep learning-based atmospheric delay correction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 304: 114004

    8. Zhang, Y., Ma, P.*, Jiang L. and Gao S.    (2024) Time-Resolved Electromagnetic Near-Field Scanning: Dual Sparse Sampling in Time and Space. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 66(3): 928–938

    9. Ma, P.*, Wu, Z., Zhang, Z. and Au, F. (2023) SAR-Transformer-based decomposition and geophysical interpretation of InSAR time-series deformations for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Remote Sensing of Environment, 302: 113962.

    10. Ma, P., Yu, C.*, Wu, Z., Wang, Z. and Chen, J. (2023)    Mining-Related Subsidence Measurements Using a Robust Multi-Temporal InSAR Method and Logistic Model. IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems, 5(3): 149–155

    11. Wu, Z., Ma, P.*, Zhang, X. and Ye, G.    (2023) Efficient management and processing of massive InSAR images using an HPC-based cloud platform. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17: 2866–2876

    12. Wu, Z., Zhang, X., Cai, J., Kwan, M.P., Lin, H., and Ma, P.* (2023) Understanding spatially nonstationary effects of natural and human-induced factors on land subsidence based on multi-temporal InSAR and multi-source geospatial data: a case study in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(2): 4404–4427

    13. Chen, L., Ma, P.*, Yu, C., Zheng, Y., Zhu, Q. and Ding, Y. (2023) Landslide susceptibility assessment in multiple urban slope settings with a landslide inventory augmented by InSAR techniques. Engineering Geology, 327: 107342

    14. Shi, G., Huang, B.*, Ma, P., Lin, H. (2022) Distributed scatterer interferometry for forested and hilly areas using a topographical homogeneous filtering. Remote Sensing Letters, 13(5): 460-469.
    15. Wu, Z., Zhao, Z., Ma, P.*, Huang, B. (2021) Real-World DEM Super-Resolution Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Improving InSAR Topographic Phase Simulation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14: 8373-8385
    16. Shi, G., Ma, P.*, Hu, X., Huang, B.*, & Lin, H. (2021) Surface response and subsurface features during the restriction of groundwater exploitation in Suzhou (China) inferred from decadal SAR interferometry. Rem. Sens. Environ., 256, 112327.
    17. Shi, G., Ma, P., Lin, H., Huang, B., Zhang, B., & Liu, Y. (2020) Potential of Using Phase Correlation in Distributed Scatterer In SAR Applied to Built Scenarios. Remote Sensing, 12(4), 686.
    18. Shi, G., Lin, H., Bürgmann, R., Ma, P., Wang, J., & Liu, Y. (2019) Early soil consolidation from magnetic extensometers and full resolution SAR interferometry over highly decorrelated reclaimed lands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231, 111231.
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    Task B1

    1. Chen, L., Ma, P.*, Fan, X., Wang, X and Ng, C. W. W. (2024) A knowledge-aware deep learning model for landslide susceptibility assessment in Hong Kong. Science of the total environment, 941: 173557
    2. Ng, C. W. W., Liu, Y., Kwan, J. S. H., Cheung, R. and Zhang, Q.* (2024)    An improved method to predict man-made slope failure using machine learning tools. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
    3. Ng, C. W. W., Usman, M. and Guo, H.* (2024) Spatiotemporal pore-water pressure prediction using multi-input long short-term memory. Engineering Geology, 322: 107194
    4. Zheng, L.*, Chen, L. & Cheng, P.  (2022)  Privacy-preserving worker allocation in crowdsourcing. The VLDB Journal, 31(4): 733-751
    5. Sun, W. *, Xu, Z. & Chen, L.  (2022)  Fairness Matters: A Tit-For-Tat Strategy Against Selfish Mining. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(13): 4048-4061
    6. Zhou, X. * & Chen, L.  (2022)  Migrating Social Event Recommendation Over Microblogs. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(11): 3213-3225
    7. Peng, J., Chen, Z., Shao, Y.*, Shen, Y.*, Chen, L. & Cao, J.  (2022)  SANCUS: Staleness-Aware Communication-Avoiding Full-Graph Decentralized Training in Large-Scale Graph Neural Networks. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(9): 1937-1950
    8. Li, H., Shao, Y.*, Du, J., Cui, B. & Chen, L.  (2022)  An I/O-Efficient Disk-based Graph System for Scalable Second-Order Random Walk of Large Graphs. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(8): 1619-1631
    9. Tong, Y., Pan, X., Zeng, Y. *, Shi, Y., Xue, C., Zhou, Z., Zhang, X., Chen, L., Xu, Y., Xu, K. & Lv, W.  (2022)  Hu-Fu: Efficient and Secure Spatial Queries over Data Federation. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(6): 1159-1172
    10. Yang, Y., Cheng, Y. *, Yuan, Y., Wang, G., Chen, L. & Sun, Y. (2022)   Privacy-preserving Cooperative Online Matching Over Spatial Crowdsourcing Platforms. Proc. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 16(1): 51-63
    11. Cheng, Y., Chen, L., Yuan, Y.*, Wang, G., Li, B. & Jin, F.  (2022) Strict and Flexible Rule-Based Graph Repairing. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(7): 3521-3535
    12. Zhang, C., Zhang, H.*, Xie, W., Liu, N., Wu, K. & Chen, L.  (2022)  Where to: Crowd-Aided Path Selection by Selective Bayesian Network IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(1): 1072-1087
    13. Chen, X., Zhou, X.*, Chan, J., Chen, L., Sellis, T. & Zhang, Y., (2022)  Event Popularity Prediction Using Influential Hashtags from social media. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(10): 4797-4811
    14. Shi, Y., Tong, Y.*, Zeng, Y., Zhou, Z., Ding, B. & Chen, L.  (2022)  Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation Over Large-Scale Spatial Data Federation. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(1): 418-430
    15. Wang, Y. *, Wang, Z., Zhao, Z., Li, Z., Jian, X., Xin, H., Chen, L., Song, J., Chen, Z. & Zhao, M.  (2022)  Effective Similarity Search on Heterogeneous Networks: A Meta-Path Free Approach. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(7): 3225-3240
    16. Zhang, C.J., Zhang, H.*, Xie, W., Liu, N., Li, Q., Jiang, D., Lin, P., Wu, K. & Chen, L. (2022) Cleaning Uncertain Data With Crowdsourcing – A General Model With Diverse Accuracy Rates. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(8): 3629-3642
    17. Zheng, L.*, Chen, L. & Shahabi, C. (2022) Centralized Routing for Bike-Sharing Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering 35(1): 154-166
    18. Shao, Y., Huang, S., Li, Y.*, Miao, X., Cui, B. & Chen, L. (2021) Memory-aware framework for fast and scalable second-order random walk over billion-edge natural graphs. The VLDB Journal, 30, 769–797
    19. Ng, C.W.W., Yang, B., Liu, Z.Q., Kwan, J.S.H. and Chen, L. (2021) Spatiotemporal modelling of rainfall-induced landslides using machine learning. Landslides, 18(7), 2499-2514.
    20. Chen, Z., *Cheng, P., Chen, L., Lin, X., & Shahabi, C. (2021) Fair task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment.
    21. Liu, Q., *Zheng, L., *Shen, Y., & Chen, L. (2021) Stable learned bloom filters for data streams. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 13(11): 2355-2367
    22. Zeng, Y., *Tong, Y., Song, Y., & *Chen, L. (2021) The simpler the better: an indexing approach for shared-route planning queries. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 13(13), 3517-3530
    23. Jian, X., *Wang, Y., & Chen, L. (2021) Effective and efficient relational community detection and search in large dynamic heterogeneous information networks. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 13(10): 1723-1736
    24. Fang, J., *Shen, Y., Wang, Y., & Chen, L (2021) Optimizing DNN computation graph using graph substitutions. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 13(12): 2734-2746
    25. Zhou, A., *Wang, Y., & Chen, L. (2021) Finding large diverse communities on networks: the edge maximum k * -partite clique. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 13(12), 2576-2589.
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    Task B2

    1. Ju, L.Y., Zhang, L.M. *, Xiao, T.  (2023)  Power laws for accurate determination of landslide volume based on high-resolution LiDAR data. Engineering Geology, 312: 106935
    2. Ju, L.Y., Xiao, T.*, Wang, H.J. & Zhang, L.M.  (2022)  Predicting Landslide Runout Paths using Terrain Matching targeted Machine Learning, Engineering Geology, 311: 106902
    3. Wang, H., Wang, L. & Zhang, L.M.* (2022) Transfer learning improves landslide susceptibility assessment, Gondwana Research
    4. Xiao, T., Zhang, L. M.*, Cheung, R. W. M., & Lacasse, S. (2022) Predicting spatio-temporal man-made slope failures induced by rainfall in Hong Kong using machine learning techniques. Géotechnique.
    5. Wang, H. J., Zhang, L. M.*, Luo, H. Y., He, J., & Cheung, R. W. M. (2021) AI-powered Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in Hong Kong. Eng. Geol. 288(3):106103
    6. Wang, H. J., Zhang, L. M., Yin, K. S., Luo, H. Y., Li, J. H. (2020) Landslide identification using machine learning, Geoscience Frontiers. 12(1) :351-364
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    Task C1

    1. Ng, C. W. W., Zhang, Q.*, Zhang, S., Lau, S. Y., Guo, H., & Li, Z. (2024) A new state-dependent constitutive model for cyclic thermo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated vegetated soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 61(10): 2155–2179

    2. Choi, C.E.*, Ng, C.W.W. and Liu, H.(2024) Flume Modeling of Debris Flows. In: Advances in Debris-flow Science and Practice. Geoenvironmental Disaster Reduction, pp 93–125

    3. Cuomo, S. *, Di Perna, A., Martinelli, M., Ng, C. W. W., De Silva, W. A. R. K. and Choi, C. E.*    (2024) Class A prediction of debris flow impact forces on dual rigid and flexible barriers: MPM modelling. Computers and Geotechnics, 173: 106556.

    4. Liu, H., Choi, C. E., Poudyal, S., Jia, Z. and Ng, C. W. W.* (2024) A New Overflow Number for Analyzing and Designing Dual Rigid Barriers with Basal Clearance. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(6): 04024036

    5. Ng, C. W. W., Li, Z., Poudyal. S., De Silva, W. A. R. K., Bhatta, A. and Liu, H.* (2024) Experimental and SPH modelling of debris flow impact on dual rigid barriers with deflector, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(5): 04024023.

    6. Du, J.T., Chang, D.S., Lee, C., Su, Y.C., Choi, C.E. * and Zhang, J.Q.*    (2024) Mitigation of rockfall geohazards: Full-scale investigation of the performance of a practical baffle design for direct use in the field. Engineering Geology, 337:107586

    7. Ng, C. W. W., Zhang, Q., Guo, H., Ni, J.*, Wang, Y., Leung, A. K., & Zhou, C. (2024) Eco-geotechnics under climate change: A state-of-the-art review. Biogeotechnics, 100158

    8. Kwan, J. S. H.*, Lam, C. and Choi, C. E. (2024) Advances in Design of Barriers for Debris Flow Impact. In Advances in Debris-flow Science and Practice, pp. 539-563

    9. Zhong, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, Q.* and Ng, C. W. W. (2024) Effects of extreme drought–rainfall on slope failure mechanisms: centrifuge modelling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 61(4): 820–826.

    10. Ng, C.W.W. *, Poudyal, S. *, Liu, H., Bhatta, A., De Silva, W.A.R.K. and Jia, Z. (2023)    Investigation of Debris Flow Impact Mechanisms and Designs. In Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 311–322

    11. Ng, C. W., Crous, P. A.* and Jacobsz, S. W. (2023) Centrifuge and numerical modeling of liquefied flow and nonliquefied slide failures of tailings dams. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(9): 04023075

    12. Ng, C.W.W., Choi, C.E.*, Liu, H., Poudyal, S., Bhatta, A., De Silva, W.A.R.K. & Cheung, R. (2023) Class A Prediction Symposium on Debris Flow Impact Forces on Single and Dual Barriers. HKIE Transactions
    13. Ng, C.W.W., Jia, Z., Poudyal, S., Bhatta, A. & Liu, H. *  (2023)  Two-phase MPM modelling of debris flow impact against dual rigid barriers. Geotechnique.
    14. Zhan, Z.Q., Zhou, C.*, Liu, C.Q. & Ng, C.W.W.  (2023)  Modelling hydro- mechanical coupled behaviour of unsaturated soil with two-phase two-point material point method. Computers and Geotechnics, 155: 105224
    15. Ng, C.W.W., Zhang, D.C., Choi, C.E. *, Chen, R., Koo, R.C.H., Kwan, J.S.H., Ni, J.J. & Ho, K.K.S.  (2023)  Investigation of boulder impact force and energy transfer for steel baffle with footing. Canadian Geotechnical Journal
    16. Ng, C.W.W., Zhang, D., Choi, C.E. *, Liu, H., Koo, R.C. & Chen, R.  (2023)  Analysis of steel baffle installed on footing with dowels for resisting boulder impact. Engineering Geology, 312: 106956
    17. Ng, C.W.W., Leonardi, A., Majeed, U., Pirulli, M. & Choi, C.E.*  (2023)  A physical and numerical investigation of flow-barrier interaction for the design of multiple barrier system. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(1): 04022122
    18. Ng, C.W.W., Bhatta, A.*, Choi, C.E., Poudyal, S., Liu, H., Cheung, R. W.M. & Kwan, J.S.H.  (2022)  Effects of debris flow rheology on overflow and impact dynamics against dual-rigid barriers. Géotechnique. 1-14
    19. Lam, H.W.K., Sze, E.H.Y., Wong, E.K.L. *, Poudyal, S., Ng, C.W.W., Chan, S.L. & Choi, C.E. (2022) Study on dynamic soil debris impact load on flexible debris-resisting barriers. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 59(12): 2102-2118
    20. Jiang, P., Zhao, Y., Choi, C.E. & Choo, J.H.*  (2022)   Hybrid continuum-discrete simulation of granular impact dynamics, Acta Geotech. 17:5597-5612
    21. Nikooei, M. & Choi, C.E.*   (2022) Towards Depth-Averaged Modelling of the Decay of Granular Flows by Deposition. Computers and Geotechnics, 148: 104792
    22. Du, J., Choi, C. E. *, Yu, J., & Thakur, V.  (2022)  Mechanisms of Submarine Debris Flow Growth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127: e2021JF006470.
    23. Goodwin, G.R. & Choi, C.E. *  (2022)  A depth-averaged SPH study on spreading mechanisms of geophysical flows in debris basins: Implications for terminal barrier design requirements, Computers and Geotechnics, 141: 104503
    24. Cui, Y., Fang, J.*, Li, Y., Liu, H  (2022)  Assessing effectiveness of a dual-barrier system for mitigating granular flow hazards through DEM-DNN framework. Engineering Geology, 306: 106742
    25. Ng, C.W.W., Li, Z.*, Zhang, Q., Zhang, S. & Wang, Y. (2022)  Effects of soil structure on cyclic freeze-thaw induced volumetric behaviour using a modified double-cell triaxial system. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 203:103648.
    26. Ng, C.W.W., Zhang, Q., Zhou, C. & Ni, J.J.* (2022)  Eco-geotechnics for human sustainability. Science China Technological Sciences, 65(12): 2809-2845
    27. Zhang, J. and Choi, C. E.* (2022) Improved Settling Velocity for Microplastic Fibers: A New Shape-Dependent Drag Model, Environ. Sci. Technol, 56(2): 962–973
    28. Ng, C.W.W., Crous, P.A., Zhang, M. and Shakeel, M. (2022) Static liquefaction mechanisms in loose sand fill slopes. Computers and Geotechnics, 141, 104525.
    29. Ng, C.W.W., Guo, H.*, Ni, J.J., Zhang, Q. & Chen, Z. (2022)   Effects of soil–plant‑biochar interactions on water retention and slope stability under various rainfall patterns, Landslides, 19: 1379-1390
    30. Goodwin, G. R., *Choi, C. E. & Yune, C. Y. (2021) Towards rational use of baffle arrays on inclined and flat terrain for filtering boulders. Can. Geotech. J. 58(10):1571-1589.
    31. Ng, C.W. W., Qu, C., Cheung, R.W., Guo, H., Ni, J., Chen, Y. and Zhang, S. (2021) Risk assessment of soil slope failure considering copula-based rotated anisotropy random fields. Computers and Geotechnics 136, p.104252
    32. Vicari, H., Ng, C.W.W., Nordal, S., Thakur, V., De Silva, W.A.R.K., Liu, H. and Choi, C.E. (2021) The Effects of Upstream Flexible Barrier on the Debris Flow Entrainment and Impact Dynamics on a Terminal Barrier. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
    33. Song, P. and Choi, C.E. (2021) Revealing the Importance of Capillary and Collisional Stresses on Soil Bed Erosion Induced by Debris Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(5), e2020JF005930.
    34. Ng, C.W.W., Zhang, Q., Ni, J. and Li, Z. (2021) A new three-dimensional theoretical model for analysing the stability of vegetated slopes with different root architectures and planting patterns. Computers and Geotechnics, 130, 103912.
    35. Ng, C.W.W., Wang, Z.J. and Ni, J.J. (2021) Effects of plant morphology on root–soil hydraulic interactions of Schefflera heptaphylla. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(5), 666-681.
    36. Ng, C.W.W., Qu, C., Cheung, R.W., Guo, H., Ni, J., Chen, Y. and Zhang, S. (2021) Risk assessment of soil slope failure considering copula-based rotated anisotropy random fields. Computers and Geotechnics, 136, 104252.
    37. Ng, C.W.W., Liu, H., Choi, C.E., Bhatta, A. and Zheng, M. (2021) Effects of basal clearance on the impact dynamics of dry granular flow against dual rigid barriers. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
    38. Ng, C.W.W., Liu, H., Choi, C.E., Kwan, J.S. and Pun, W.K. (2021) Impact dynamics of boulder-enriched debris flow on a rigid barrier. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(3), p.04021004.
    39. Ng, C.W.W., Majeed, U., Choi, C.E. and De Silva, W.A.R.K. (2021) New impact equation using barrier Froude number for the design of dual rigid barriers against debris flows. Landslides, 18(6), 2309-2321.
    40. Cui, S. Q., Zhou, C. and Zhang, J. H. (2021) Experimental investigations on the state-dependent thermal conductivity of sand-rubber mixtures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 34(3): 04021492.
    41. Zhou, C. and Chen, R. (2021) Modelling the water retention behaviour of anisotropic soils. Journal of Hydrology, 599: 126361.
    42. Ng, C.W.W., Guo, H.W.* & Xue, Q. (2021) A Novel Environmentally Friendly Vegetated Three-Layer Landfill Cover System Using Construction Wastes But Without a Geomembrane. Indian Geotech J 51:460–466
    43. Ng, C.W.W., Guo, H.W. and Xue, Q. (2021) A Novel Environmentally Friendly Vegetated Three-Layer Landfill Cover System Using Construction Wastes But Without a Geomembrane. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 51(3), 460-466.
    44. Ng, C.W.W., Akinniyi, D.B. & Zhou, C. (2021) Volume change behaviour of a saturated lateritic clay under thermal cycles. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 80, 653-661.
    45. Goodwin, G.R. and Choi, C.E. (2021) Translational Inertial Effects and Scaling Considerations for Coarse Granular Flows Impacting Landslide-Resisting Barriers. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(12), 04021153.
    46. Choi, C.E. and Goodwin, G.R. (2021) Effects of interactions between transient granular flows and macroscopically rough beds and their implications for bulk flow dynamics. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58: 1943–1960.
    47. Zhou, G.G.D., Du, J., Song, D., Choi, C.E., Hu, H.S., and Jiang, C. (2020) Numerical study on granular debris flow runup against slit-dams by discrete element method. Landslides, 17, 585-595.
    48. Ni, J., Ng, C. W. W., & Gao, Y. (2020) Modelling root growth and soil suction due to plant competition. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 484, 110019.
    49. Su, Y. and Choi, C.E. (2020) Effects of rock shape on the cushioning mechanics of rock-filled gabions. Acta Geotechnica. Accepted 12th September 2020.
    50. Ng, C. W. W., Wang, C., Choi, C. E., De Silva, W. A. R. K., & Poudyal, S. (2020) Effects of barrier deformability on load reduction and energy dissipation of granular flow impact. Computers and Geotechnics, 121, 103445.
    51. Ng, C. W. W., So, P. S., Lau, S. Z., Zhou, C., Coo, J. L. & Ni, J. J. (2020) Influence of biopolymer on gas permeability in compacted clay at different densities and water contents. Engineering Geology, 272, 105631.
    52. Ng, C. W. W., Owusu, S. T., Zhou, C., & Chiu, A. C. F. (2020) Effects of sesquioxide content on stress-dependent water retention behaviour of weathered soils. Engineering Geology, 266, 105455.
    53. Ng, C. W. W., Bentil, O. T., and Zhou, C. (2020) Small strain shear modulus and damping ratio of two unsaturated lateritic sandy clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Accepted 27th October 2020.
    54. Ng, C. W. W., Akinniyi, D. B., and Zhou, C. (2020) Influence of structure on the compression and shear behaviour of a saturated lateritic clay. Acta Geotechnica, 15, 3433-3441.
    55. Ng, C. W. W., Akinniyi, D. B., & Zhou, C. (2020) Experimental study of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a compacted lateritic sandy lean clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(11), 1695-1703.
    56. Goodwin, G.R., and Choi, C.E. (2020) Slit structures: Fundamental mechanisms of mechanical trapping of granular flows, Computers and Geotechnics, 119, 103376.
    57. Choi, C.E. and Goodwin, G.R. (2020) Interaction between granular flows and flexible obstacles: a grain-scale investigation. Computers and Geotechnics, 128, 103800.
    58. Choi, C. E., Ng, C. W. W., Liu, H., & Wang, Y. (2020) Interaction between dry granular flow and rigid barrier with basal clearance: analytical and physical modelling. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(2), 236-245.
    59. Bordoloi, S. and Ng, C.W.W. (2020) The effects of vegetation traits and their stability functions in bio-engineered slopes: A perspective review. Engineering Geology, 275, 105742.
    60. Ng, C. W. W., Ni, J. J., & Leung, A. K. (2019) Effects of plant growth and spacing on soil hydrological changes: a field study. Géotechnique, 70(10), 867-881.
    61. Mu, Q. Y., Zhou, C., Ng, C. W. W., & Zhou, G. G. D. 2 (2019) Stress effects on soil freezing characteristic curve: equipment development and experimental results. Vadose Zone Journal, 18(1), 1-10
    62. Mu, Q. Y., Zhou, C. and Ng, C. W. W. (2019) Compression and wetting induced volumetric behavior of loess: macro- and micro-investigations, Transportation Geotechnics, 23, 100345.
    63. Mu, Q. Y., Ng, C. W. W., Zhou, C., & Zhou, G. G. D. (2019) Effects of clay content on the volumetric behavior of loess under heating-cooling cycles. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 20(12), 979-990.
    Text Area

    Task C2

    1. Yik, M., Pun, W. K., Kwok, F. H. C., Pho, J., & Ng, C. W. W. Ng (2023) Perceptions of landslide risks and warnings in Hong Kong. Landslides.
    2. Zhou, Z., and Leung. A. K. (2022) Modifying mechanical properties of sand different hydrophobic treatments. Acta Geotechnica.
    3. Qiu, Q. W., Zhan, L. T., Leung, A. K., Feng, S.* & Chen, Y. M. (2021) A new method and apparatus for measuring in-situ air permeability of unsaturated soil. Can. Geotech. J.
    4. Wu, Z., Leung, A. K.*, Boldrin, D., & Ganesan, S. P. (2021) Variability in root biomechanics of Chrysopogon zizanioides for soil eco-engineering solutions. Sci. Total Environ. 776(1): 145943.
    5. Karimzadeh, A. A., Leung, A. K.*, Hosseinpour, S., Wu, Z., & Amini, P. F. (2021) Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of root-reinforced sand. Can. Geotech. J. 58(12): 1915-1927.
    6. Zhou, Z., Leung. A. K.*, Zhu, W. J., & Y. Li. (2021) Hydromechanical behaviour of unsaturated artificially-hydrophobized sand: compression, shearing and dilatancy. Engineering Geology, 291:106223.
    7. Zhou. Z., Leung, A. K*, Karimzadeh, A. A., Lau, C. H., & Li, K. W. (2021) Infiltration through an artificially hydrophobized silica sand barrier. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. ASCE, 147(6), 06021006.
    8. Vitali, D., Leung, A. K.*, Knappett, J. A., & Ma, L. (2021) Centrifuge modelling of the use of discretely-spaced energy pile row to reinforce unsaturated soil. Geotechnique.
    9. Boldrin, D., Leung, A. K., & Bengough, A. G. (2020) Hydro-mechanical reinforcement of contrasting woody species: a full-scale investigation of a field slope. Géotechnique, 1(41).
    10. Boldrin, D., Leung, A. K., Bengough, A. G., & Jones, H. G. (2019) Potential of thermal imaging in soil bioengineering to assess plant ability for soil water removal and air cooling. Ecological Engineering, 141, 105599.
    Text Area

    Task C3

    1. Yik, M., Pun, W. K., Kwok, F. H. C., Pho, J., & Ng, C. W. W. Ng (2023)  Perceptions of landslide risks and warnings in Hong Kong. Landslides.
    2. Thanyadit, S., Punpongsanon, P., Piumsomboon, T. & Pong, T.C. (2022) XR-LIVE: Enhancing Asynchronous Shared-Space Demonstrations with Spatial-temporal Assistive Toolsets for Effective Learning in Immersive Virtual Laboratories. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW1): 1-23
    3. Leung, J., Chu, S., Pong, T. C., Ng, D., &  Qiao, S. (2021) Developing a Framework for Blended Design-Based Learning in a First-Year Multidisciplinary Design Course. IEEE Transactions on Education, 165(2): 1-10
    Text Area

    Conference Papers

    1. Chen, L., Wang, J., Li, J., Shen, Y. and Ng, C. W. W. (2022) Deep Learning for Rainfall Prediction: Data Enhancement, Forecasting, and Estimation. ICSMGE: The 20th International Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Sydney, Australia. May, 2022 (keynote)
    2. Xiao, T., Zhang, L.M. (2022) Storm-based forecasting of man-made slope failures using machine learning. ICSMGE: The 20th International Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Sydney, Australia, May, 2022
    3. Bhatta, A., Choi, C.E. and Ng, C.W.W. (2022) Influence of interstitial fluid on debris flow mobility: an experimental study. ICPMG 2022 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Sept, 2022.
    4. Poudyal, S., Choi, C.E. and Ng, C.W.W. (2022) Dynamic debris flow impact force reduction in flexible barriers using novel brake elements.  ICPMG 2022 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Sept, 2022.
    5. Poudyal, S., Bhatta, A. and Ng, C.W.W. Side anchored flexible barriers subjected to debris flow impact. ICSMGE: The 20th International Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Sydney, Australia, May, 2022.
    6. Song, P. and Choi, C.E. (2022) Towards an understanding of the mechanisms of debris flow-bed interaction: physical modelling. ICSMGE: The 20th International Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Sydney, Australia, May, 2022.
    7. Yu, J., Du, J. and Choi, C.E. (2022) Physical modelling of submarine debris flows: effects of bed conditions. ICSMGE: The 20th International Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Sydney, Australia, May, 2022.
    8. Thanyadit, S., Pungpongsanon, P., Piumsomboon, T. and Pong, T.C. (2022) XR-LIVE: Enhancing Asynchronous Shared-Space Demonstrations with Spatial-temporal Assistive Toolsets for Effective Learning in Immersive Virtual Laboratories. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Jan, 2022     
    9.  Fan, P.M., Thanyadit, S. and Pong, T.C. (2022) VLOGS: Virtual Laboratory Observation tool for monitoring a Group of Students, The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Nov, 2022 Bend, Oregon  
    10. Zhang, L.M., He, J. and Xiao, T. (2021) Engineering Risk Mitigation for Landslide Hazard Chains: The Baige Landslides on the Jinsha River in 2018. 5th World Landslide Forum (WLF5), Nov, 2021, Kyoto    
    11. Ng, C. W. W., Choi, C.E., Liu, H., Wang, C. and Kwan, J.S.H. (2021) Impact mechanisms of debris flow on barriers: modelling, analysis and design. SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides . Cartegena, Cololmbia, Feb 22-26, 2021.
    12. Ng, C.W.W., Ni, J.J. and Zhou, C. (2021) Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Bioengineered Soil Slopes with a Focus on Hydrological Effects, 3rd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (ICGE-Colombo-2020), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 6-7 December 2021. (keynote)
    13. Ng, C.W.W., Choi, C.E., Liu, H., Poudyal, S. and Kwan, J.S.H. (2020) Design recommendations for Single and Dual Debris Flow Barriers with and Without Basal Clearance, Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, 2020, p. 33-53. (keynote)
    14. Xiao, T., Zhang, L.M. (2020) Evaluation of performance of engineered slopes under extreme rainstorms. In Geo-Congress 2020: Engineering, Monitoring, and Management of Geotechnical Infrastructure (GSP 316), Minneapolis, United States, Feb 25-28, 2020. p. 737-743.
    15. Ng, C. W. W., Choi, C. E. Majeed, U., Poudyal, S. and De Silva, W. A. R. K. (2019) Fundamental framework to design multiple rigid barriers for resisting debris flows. 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct, 2019. (keynote)
    16. Ng, C. W. W., Ni, J. J., Zhou, C. (2019) Interplay Between Ecology and Unsaturated Soil Mechanics for Bioengineered Landfill Covers and Slopes. The XVI Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Cancun, Mexico. Nov, 2019. (keynote)



    Text Area

    Patents and Licenses

    List of Accepted Patents:

    1. Ng, C.W.W., Choi, C.E., and Song, D.R. (2022). Bi-linear energy dissipating and shock absorbing device for cable subjected to tension. US 11,448,280 B2, Granted on Sep.20 ,2022.
    2. Ng, C.W.W., Lu, B., Guo, H., and Chen, R. (2021). Preparation method and application of the intermediate covering layer of landfill (垃圾填埋场中间覆盖层及其制备方法和应用). Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN108941145), granted on 17 Dec 2021.
    3. Ng, C.W.W., Lu, B., Guo, H., Ni, J., and Ping, Y. (2021). Capillary covering layer for slope protection: preparation method and application (一种用于边坡防护的毛细阻滞覆盖层及其制备方法和应用). Chinese Patent (Patent ID Cn 109930611), granted on 10 Dec 2021.
    4. Zhou, G.G.D., Hu, H., and Song, D. (2021). A design method on comb dam opening width for inviscid debris flow (一种针对非粘性泥石流的梳子坝开口宽度的设计方法). Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN 108376203), granted on 20 July 2021
    5. Xie, Y., and Zhou, G.G.D. (2021). A numerical simulation analysis method and system for debris flow dynamics (一种泥石流动力学数值模拟分析方法及系统). Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN 107506566), granted on 01 July 2021.
    6. Archer, A. & Ng, C. W. W. (2020) Centrifuge Environmental Chamber. US Patent No. US 10,613,071 B2; Granted on 7 April 2020.
    7. Ng, C.W.W., Lu, B., Guo, H., and Chen, R. (2020). Preparation method and application of the top covering layer of landfill (垃圾填埋场封顶层及其制备方法和应用). Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN108914979), granted on 16 Oct 2020
    8. Ng, C.W.W., Choi, C.E., and Song, D.R. (2020). Bi-linear energy dissipating and shock absorbing device for cable subjected to tension. Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN108700152), granted on 14 Aug 2020
    9. Choi, C.E., Ng, C.W.W., Liu, H., and Cui, Y.F. (2020). Device capable of simultaneously measuring multiple mechanical and kinematic parameters of debris flow. Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN108627199), granted on 5 May 2020
    10. Song, D., Zhou, G.G.D., Li, S., and Hu, H. (2019). A design method on flexible barrier (一种柔性拦挡网及其设计方法). Chinese Patent (Patent ID CN 107938527), granted on 20 September 2019


    Developed tools and software:

    1. Immersive online education tools for teaching slope safety awareness: A novel MOOC on slope engineering has been created and has been published on the HKMOOC platform. The MOOC uses innovative AR/VR technology for immersive learning and is freely accessible to the public. 
    2. Development of a novel framework for precipitation forecasting STR-RainGAN, which is driven by dynamic data from the weather research and forecasting model. STR-RainGAN accurately predicts monsoon rainfall scenarios and provides a photo-realistic six-hour heavy nowcasting capability.
    3. A prompt landslide risk assessment software PoLA has been developed for quantifying landslide and debris flow hazards induced by heavy rainfall. The code to this software can be found in this link.



    Text Area

    Design Documents 

    Design guidelines in Hong Kong promulgated by GEO based on collaborative research carried out in this project:

    1. Technical Guidance Note (TGN52/2022) (2022). Enhanced Technical Guidance on Design of Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
    2. Technical Note (TN 1/2021) (2021) Study of Sacrificial Baffles for Resisting Boulders. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. 
    3. Technical Note (TN 2/2020) (2020) Study of Dynamic Soil Debris Impact Load on Flexible Debris-Resisting Barriers. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
    4. Technical Note (TN 4/2019) (2019) Verification of Displacement-Approach for Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers Subject to Boulder Impacts. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government 
    5. Technical Note (TN 5/2019) (2019) Study of Dynamic Soil Debris Impact Load on Rigid Debris-Resisting Barriers. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. 
    6. Technical Note (TN 6/2019) (2019) Analytical Study of Cushioning Effects Provided by Rockfill Gabions in Reducing Flexural Response of Rigid Barriers Subject to Boulder Impacts. Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Development Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. 
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