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Awards & Publications

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HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award 2022

Our collaborative publication entitled, “Design Recommendations for Single and Dual Debris Flow Barriers with and Without Basal Clearance” as part of the International Consortium of Landslides (ICL), UNESCO, Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction book series (CLDRR) has been awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Geotechnical Paper Award 2022 by the Geotechnical Division Committee (GDC). The award is a biennial exercise. It recognizes the best paper published in any journal or conference in the recent five years that has high potential to advance local practice. The award is selected by a panelist of 16 top geotechnical engineers and researchers in Hong Kong.

The award is presented on 13 May 2022 at the annual geotechnical division seminar organised by the geotechnical division commitee of the HKIE.

Interested research colleagues and students may download the award winning paper for research purposes.

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    The project team members have received the following awards and recognitions during this project: 

    1. Prof. Charles NG received the prestigious R.M. Quigley Award presented by the Canadian Geotechnical Society. Prof. Ng’s paper, titled “Investigation of Boulder Impact Force and Energy Transfer for Steel Baffle with Footing”, emerged as a standout among 143 papers published in 2023 in Canadian Geotechnical Journal (CGJ).
    2. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded 2022 Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress
    3. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded Varnes Medal by the UNESCO-International Consortium on Landslides in 2022
    4. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded 2022 Fredlund Award by Canadian Geotechnical Society
    5. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded Frontrunner 5000 Top Articles in 2020 ALL Outstanding S&T Journals of China (中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文---2020领跑者5000)
    6. Prof Charles W. W. Ng (The PC) from HKUST was awarded the 2020 National Natural Science Award (2nd class) by the State Council of China (中國國家2020年度自然科學二等奖(排名第1))
    7. Prof Bo Huang (Co-PI) from CUHK was awarded Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2020 (Second Class Award in Natural Sciences), Theory and methodology for spatiotemporal multi-scale data fusion, Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2021
    8. Prof Limin Zhang (Co-PI) from HKUST was awarded the 2023 Ralph B. Peck Award by the Americal Society of Civil Engineers
    9. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded Oldrich Hungr Award by the International Consortium of Landslides (UNESCO)
    10. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded The 3rd Hutchinson Lecture by the Joint Technical Committee (JTC1) on Natural Slopes and Landslides of the Federation of the International Geo-Engineering Societies (FedIGS)
    11. Prof Clarence Choi (Co-I) from HKU was awarded The 2021 Bright Spark Lecture Award
    12. Prof Chao Zhou (Co-I) from PolyU was named the Tsui Tack Kong Young Scholar in Civil Engineering under the Endowed Young Scholars Scheme of PolyU in 2022
    13. Prof Anthony Leung (Co-I) from HKUST was awarded Geotechnical Research Medal by ICE Publishing in 2022
    14. Prof Anthony Leung (Co-I) from HKUST was awarded Outstanding Young Geotechnical Engineer Award by ISSMGE in 2022
    15. Mr Luyu JU (Task B2) from HKUST won Best Student Paper Award in Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR) for his paper entitled “Automatic landslide inventory generation using deep learning”
    16. Prof Xiaoming SHI (Task A1) received the "Heywood Young Scientists Award" from the Hong Kong Meteorological Society in 2022 for his work on convection organization