Advisory Board
Overseas Advisors

Kenichi Soga
Donald H. McLaughlin Chair in Mineral Engineering, Chancellor's Professor, The University of California, Berkeley

Local Advisors

Raymond Chan
Director, Meinhardt Limited

C.M. Cheng
Director, Hong Kong Observatory

W.K. Kong
Senior Scientific Officer, Forecast Development Division, Hong Kong Observatory

Eunice F.Y. Lee
Scientific Officer, Corporate Communication, Publicity and Media Services, Hong Kong Observatory

Rupert Leung
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, Hyder Consulting Limited

Eva Yeung
Senior Manager (Community Resilience), Hong Kong Red Cross

Johnson Lo
Director, Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI)

H.W. Tong
Scientific Officer, Climate Forecast Services and Climate Change Studies, Hong Kong Observatory

H.N. Wong
Head, Formerly of The Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department

Cardry Chan Hin-hin
Manager (Community Resilience), Community Resilience Service, Hong Kong Red Cross

Ringo Yu
Managing Director, Fraser Construction Company Limited