Research Facilities
190-m Flume Facility
Kunming, China
The 190-m long flume in Kunming, China, is the world's largest multi-functional modelling flume. This state-of-the-art facility is the result of a collaborative effort between HKUST and IMHE (Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment). With a width of 6 meters, the flume is divided into two transport sections, inclined at angles of 32° and 16° respectively, and includes a deposition section at the end. The flume can model debris flow volumes up to 500 cubic meters.
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28-m Flume Facility
Kadoorie Center, Hong Kong SAR
The 28-m long flume facility with a 2 m width, 20° inclination and 10 cubic metres of storage volume, is currently used for physical modelling. Multiple debris flow tests have been conducted to study impact mechanisms of debris flow and evaluate performance of different countermeasures against debris flow hazards

Ground Receiving Station of Remote Sensing Satellite CUHK
Hong Kong SAR
The CUHK satellite receiving station, with a 7.5 m antenna and the integral system of data receiving, recording, archiving and processing, is the first satellite receiving station in South China. The station is currently used for high-resolution SAR image collection, based on which the effective monitoring of landslides, and associated geo-hazards will be facilitated via multitemporal InSAR technique.

AR/VR-Ready Teaching Laboratory
Hong Kong SAR
The AR/VR-Ready laboratory at HKUST is being utilized for developing and providing an immersive learning experience using AR/VR. This method of teaching aims to provide the user with an enhanced experience on landslide events, site visits, disaster response and many more. An online MOOC course platform, HKMOOC, is developed to further nurture the interested parties via e-learning.